About Gangotree
Looking at the challenge of the Municipal Solid Waste Management across all cities, towns and villages in India and focus being on large centralised plants with for compositing , RDF or Waste to Energy and its lack of success we at Gangotree Energy have analysed the problem in depth and have worked out a De-Centralised MRF and Energy Station concept with biogas plants for the wet waste and SRF pelleting for the Non Recyclables Combustible Dry Waste nearest to the source deriving the full advantage of the ‘segregation at source “ and complementing the recycling .This ensures maximum value - Material & Energy being derived with minimum carbon foot print avoiding multiple handling , mixing risk and the long distance transportation for moving the waste .Do check out the solution .. Our mantra - “Nip it in the Bud “ and don’t let it grow to unmanageable proportion - Small is Better , Cleaner and Greener !!
About UsTechnology - Solid Waste Processing
Advanced CSTR Biogas Technology
Gangotree developed an advanced process of anaerobic digestion, using CSTR method.
Learn MoreSRF/Biomass Solid Fuel Pelleting Technology
Gangotree owns a fuel pelleting technology with flat-die type pelletizer machines.
Learn MoreScientific Waste Combustion Technology
Gangotree posses a combustion technique based on air-fuel ratio to fulfill complete...
Learn MoreCustomer Segment De-Centralised SWM
- City Level
- Taluka Level
- Township Level
- Village And Gram Panchayat Level
Solid Waste Management
We design and implement the solutions according to site specifications.
We supply solid fuel to industrial boilers in form of briquettes, pellets and wood chips.
Water & Waste Water
We perform water demand supply studies, water balance audits and prepare reports.